Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Interesting Blog....by Liz Davidson

Hello Family and friends!!!

Here we are, in Granada looking forward to 2 more great concerts and a lot of fun in sunny Spain. Yesterday we had an amazing tour in Seville of the Cathedral and the Alcazar palace. They were both enormous and beautiful in their own ways. The mix of different architecture styles, as well as interior design (for all you HGTV buffs) made for a wonderful all around experience. On our way from place to place, we provided some beautiful music to a courtyard of people. Even the people living in the apartments above us enjoyed the show.

Last night at dinner, Paul informed us that one of the audience members at our concert at the Mosque Cathedral on Sunday was the Spanish equivalent to the president of the Federal Reserve Bank! He requested several encores!! Apparently, we are representing our country and school well.

After our tours in Seville yesterday, we were able to explore the cities on our own! Some of my friends and I wandered around the city, getting slightly lost and enjoying finding our way back. We poked into shops, ate some lunch and ice cream, and soon called it a day to head to the bus.

A bus ride, a fun night, and a morning later, we are heading out to explore the city of Granada! Wish us luck as we invariably get lost in another city.
That's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. wow..!!! encores, courtyards, and apts...colby chorus taking spain by storm...yeah. thanks for the posts....rhonda
