Friday, March 25, 2011

And so, at the end

I'm actually a little bit sad that my turn to edit the blog didn't come on Wednesday, when Trip and I ran through the pomegranate-like streets of Granada (thus the name; Granada = pomegranate) up to the top of a hill overlooking the Alhambra, or on Sunday when we sang for the first time in in the Mosque-Cathedral in Cordoba and the scope of this opportunity literally boggled my mind.

That said, though, I'm really just sad that today's adventure will inevitably overshadow yesterday's - I certainly can't claim that the frantic sprint through Malaga isn't worthy of the limelight: in a desperate attempt to be better tourists before the bus left, we ran through a Roman theater, a 12th century castle, and a significant section of back streets in the 13 minutes before the bus left.

Really, I'm just miffed at having to represent the entire chorale when fully half of the group was several cities away. I don't really feel qualified to speak to their experience, so, to quote verbatim, "The morning was a bit overcast, but the beach was great all afternoon."

I can, however, talk at length about the day after the rest of us returned from touring the cathedral (where we busked - sang where no one asked us), the art museum (where, out of respect for the Picasso exhibit, we did not), and the rest of Malaga. The Chorale squeezed an entire day's worth of beach into the the few hours remaining before the sun went down - think body surfing, tanning, and beach soccer.

The farewell dinner merits a post all its own - I'll try to do it justice, but it's hard to capture. So, over the course of a phenomenal dinner, there were congratulations all around (those for Paul, our chaperones, and Luigi our guide were particularly merited), a revisiting of old songs, and liberal conversation, though I think the half-hour of meringue was my favorite.

Anyway, we're off to sing karaoke, so I should close this quickly - it's the last night of a fantastic tour and there's more celebrating left to do. Congratulations all around, Colby chorale.

1 comment:

  1. what great memories you are all making...take lots of pictures. "thank you" paul.
