Saturday, March 19, 2011

Arrived at Last!

After a long day a driving down from Colby, flying out of Logan, transferring in Zurich, and landing in Malaga Airport in Spain, we've finally made it to our hotel in Sevilla. It has been a tiring day, but luckily we had no hiccups in transit and we've made it to Spain safe and sound. We've just finished a delicious three course meal at the restaurant in our hotel, and now we're back in our rooms to get a bit of much-needed shut eye. Despite the exhaustion from travelling, everyone is so excited to be here (it was 70 and sunny today), to experience Spanish culture over the next week, and to sing in our first concert tomorrow. But, as I've said, we're tired, so it's time to go to bed. Goodnight.

p.s. Every day this week a different student will post an entry to the blog, so keep your eyes open!

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