Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home Safe and Sound

We returned all in one piece to Colby last night around midnight (Well, not entirely in one piece. We lost many MA resident choralers at the airport in Boston).

I will offer the briefest of recaps to give you a few last glimpses of what we have seen and done on our trip, flip-book style (i.e. sentences fragments):

[Disclaimer: this account is somewhat biased towards my experiences as I am, well, me and not the embodiment of the entire chorale.]

Saturday: Bus. Plane. Plane. Bus. Dinner. Crash.

Sunday: Hundreds of red and white arches in the Cordoba Mosque-Cathedral and dinner on the town in Sevilla.

Monday: In the cathedral in Sevilla where the 130 grams that remain of Christopher Columbus rest, sunshine and the bus to Granada.

Tuesday: Sunny wanderings of Granada, small Spanish children chasing giant bubbles and charming Santa Fe.

Wednesday: The intricate and extensive plaster carvings that cover the walls of the Moorish Alhanbra Palace, the surprisingly ornate marble work in the Monasterio de la Cartuja and a standing ovation in Sagrado Corazon.

Thursday: Bus sing-along to Fuengirola. Beach, beach, beach, pub.

Friday: Running through Malaga’s Teatro Romano before the bus leaves without us (don’t worry, we made it). Then, what other than beach and diving into the Mediterranean and singing karaoke until you lose your voice.

Saturday: We said farewell to sunny Spain, having learned to say words like please (por favor), thank you (gracias) and crumbs (migas). Bus. Plane. Plane. Bus. Using the travel time to catch up on journaling. Burger King from the Kennebunk reststop is a far cry from Spanish paella. But we are back in Maine where the snow is nearly melted…


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