Thursday, March 17, 2011

And we're off!

By this afternoon, we'll be on our way to Spain. First comes the bus ride to Boston, followed by a flight to Malaga through Zurich, and lastly a bus to Seville, where we have dinner and head to bed before our first concert the next day. There's a lot of travelling ahead, but everyone is looking forward to the trip. Those of us who were around for the tour to Argentina remember how much fun spring break with the Chorale is. The rest are just going to have to discover how great it is.

In Argentina we had some truly wonderful performances and some great experiences. I have no doubt that Spain will prove as fun and exciting. We have a great trip planned, and we'll be trying to bring you updates as we travel along. For now, an early bedtime and some last minute packing will get us started on this tour. Next time we post, we'll be in Spain!

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