Sunday, March 20, 2011

Becca and Margaret's Excellent Adventure (Part 1)

It's our first full day in Spain! Today, we woke up bright and early (8:30 am) for a delicious breakfast at the hotel, and then headed out to Cordoba by bus. We got there with plenty of time to warm up before the one o'clock mass in one of the most beautiful spaces any of us had ever performed in, the Mosque Cathedral. Even though Paul was worried about the carpet interfering with our sound, we performed each piece beautifully, and the priest even complimented our "Salve Regina", telling us how wonderful our interpretation was. Apparently "I Can Tell the World", which we performed last in a more or less spontaneous decision by Paul, stood out for the priest as well.

"I liked the 'I Can Tell the Nations,'" he told us. "You," (pointing at the men), "said, 'My lord done just what he said,' and you," (pointing at the women), "said 'Yes he did.'" At least we know our diction was good.

Following our performance, we split up to take tours of the cathedral, led by two different Luis's. Both of our tour guides were fountains of knowledge as they explained everything about the building itself as well as the surrounding city. After that, we were released into Cordoba to explore and get lunch. The two of us, along with some friends, decided to try a selection of tapas at a pleasant outdoor restaurant. It was an adventure in language gaps, but everything we ordered was delicious, and we didn't come off as too clueless (we hope). We had just enough time to get some helado (that's ice cream for all you gringos) before fighting our way past hoards of people there for a "Cordoba 2016" event and hopping back on the bus to head back to the hotel.

We'd write more, but we're hungry, and we're heading out to explore Sevilla and get some food.

Hasta luego!

xoxo Becca & Margaret

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